

2020 caught us all off-guard, derailing even our best-laid plans. Many people, even some of the experts, thought that covid-19 would be a short-term disruption to our lives. But here we are almost halfway through 2021, and the covid-19 pandemic is far from over.

Like in many situations, positives are coming out of this extremely challenging time. The biggest blessing has been having the time to refocus on what is most important to us – our families! We realise that nothing is more important than their physical and emotional well-being, and their long-term financial security.

While life is still very different from what we knew before, more information has become available, vaccination programmes are starting to gain momentum and we are becoming more comfortable with our new reality. We are ready to get back into the driver seat and regain control over our lives and start building a future once again.

The question is what do you want your family’s future to be? For all of us, it is very different.

For some, it is living an easier life, without compromising on the quality of healthcare, education or lifestyle, while having greater economic stability and access to broader markets. For these families, Malta is a fantastic option.

Malta is one of the few European countries where investors can become eligible for citizenship through their direct investment. The benefits of holding a European passport speak for themselves. Imagine being able to travel visa-free with your family to more than 184 destinations, have access to Malta’s world-class healthcare system and your children being educated in Malta or one of the other Schengen states. Think about how your business would thrive if you have the European and Asian markets almost on your doorstep? It is also worth noting, that Malta is truly a family-focused option, as they allow children under the age of 28, and parents over the age of 55 to be included in the application.

If the level of direct investment for citizenship is a bit beyond your reach, then perhaps the Permanent Residency Programme is the right option for your family. Along with offering many of the same benefits, such as being able to live in Malta and travel freely through the Schengen states, it offers a great deal of flexibility for those families that would like the security of European residency, while having the option of remaining in South Africa.

For more information about the requirements and benefits, please have a look at our website

If this is the kind of future that you want to create for your family, please get in touch. I would love to hear more about how you see the future and answer any questions that you may have about any of the options. You can contact me on +27 82 787 0592 or

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